Wanted Small Lathe and Milling Machine

Wanted Small Lathe and Milling Machine

Bruce has just joined us and is looking for a small lathe and milling machine.

Not sure if he wants new or used.

Can anyone help?

Bruce said that he has looked at the Smart CNC website http://www.cnc-kit.net but reports that “the address & phone number do not seem to exist”.

Anyone dealt with this company?

I particularly would like to know because the motor and/or controller on my Sieg SC4 lathe packed up and Smart CNC may be able to supply the replacement(s).

Please post replies in the comments box below. I will forward to Bruce personally.

Mini Bench Lathe Quotation from Shanghai Sunmore in PR China

I received the following images of the Shanghai Sunmore SP2102 Mini Bench Lathe Quotation and Specification kindly forwarded by Andrew per his comment below so I have uploaded them for people’s interest. This suggests that you can import workshop equipment from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) into Thailand.

This is not my endorsement of the equipment nor the company. I am merely posting information received.

First is the Data Sheet and Specifications

Image showing Shanghai Sunmore SP2102 Mini Bench Lathe Specifications

Shanghai Sunmore SP2102 Mini Bench Lathe Specifications

Click Here to Download the Quotation in pdf format (Opens in New Window)

Below is the Quotation

Image showing Shanghai Sunmore SP2102 Mini Bench Lathe Quotation

Shanghai Sunmore SP2102 Mini Bench Lathe Quotation

Click Here to Download the Quotation in pdf format (Opens in New Window)

The website of Sumore is http://sumore.com/english/index.asp

16 thoughts on “Wanted Small Lathe and Milling Machine

  1. Glen

    Hi Alan:

    He can start looking here http://www.smartcncs.com/index.php?lang=en

    they have some small manual stuff in stock, lots of places to shop, he just has to do his homework.



    There is always our PRC friends, happy to sell you crap at knock down prices (import duties not included, usually about 10g’s if you pick the right “agent”.


  2. Thakor Madhusudan

    Hi, Alan
    Sieg machines, I know – it is from New Zealand
    Please request Mr. Bruce to advice Sieg Lathe SC4 — is it Center distance 410 mm OR 510 mm ?

    I can supply equivalent other brand… may be from India – US – OR Europe
    Sieg make also can supply – OR – can supply New OR Used
    Please request him to advice the following as his requirement :
    1. For Small Lathe — required Lathe Specifications:
    a) Manual OR CNC ————
    b) Swing ( what biggest diameter to be machined ? ) ———–
    c) Distance Between Centers ( What biggest Length to be machined ?) ———

    2. For Small Milling — required Milling machine Specifications:
    a) Maximum End-mill tool size to be used ( may be 16 mm OR 20mm OR 25 mm) ————-
    b) If Drilling / Tapping Required — Maximum Drilling Size ———— Maximum Tapping Size ————
    c) Required X-Travel ————mm Y-Travel ———— Z- Travel ————
    d) Spindle Taper ————- may be MT3 — MT4

    After knowing these information advices, I can suggest the proper and economical both equipment.

    About his old-used SC4 Lathe and Milling what happened ? Want to sale ?? What Prices ??
    ** Please advice proper problem in both machines
    Thakor – Bangkok – Mech. & Elect. Engineer with 40-years experience

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Thakor and many thanks for your detailed information about supplying small lathes and milling machines in Thailand.

      I am sure this will be of interest to our readers. When I receive requests for further information from the website visitors I will email them to you.



  3. vince

    I have had the same problem with the same company the best company I have dealt with for Sieg machines are POSH ENTERPRISE sales@posh.co.th
    Telephone: +662 746 5148, +662 746 6756
    Fax: +662 746 5183
    Mobile Phone Number: +668 1908 8807, +668 1565 5678
    I purchased three machines from them great backup service they can also supply many other machines cnc
    and manual …. good luck and keep up the good work

  4. Mike

    Hello Alan,

    As you know, I built both my mill and lathe (full CNC) and would be willing to share my drawings with Bruce, (and any other interested members). The DIY route is certainly not for everyone, but as both myself and Philip have shown, it is an option here in Thailand.


  5. Matt Rauen

    I bought my lathe and mill from Smart CNC. Below is the contact info for the owner. I had to get my wife to call him and ask him to answer my e-mails. After that he answered very well in good English. I have been pretty happy with them.

    Pongthep Puentain

    We Drive Your Dream
    Smart Tric Technology Co.,Ltd.
    31/24 Moo13. Klongsong, Klongluang
    Pathumthani 12120 THAILAND
    Tel:+66 2 159 8691
    Fax:+66 2 159 8692
    MP:+66 8 9058 8693
    E-Mail :info@smartcncs.com
    Skype: smartcncs.minicnc
    Line ID: smartcnc
    GPS: 14.120975468373507,100.63696503639221
    >> High quality benchtop machine and tools for inventor <<

  6. Andrew Pickup

    Hi Alan,

    Just sent you an email with some attachments. The quotation is for a small lathe but ordered from China. I met the company at Metalex 2016.

    They have various lathes and small milling machines – maybe suitable for Bruce.

    The TNT option on the attachment – if you can upload it for me – includes delivery inside Thailand so you don’t need to bother with shipping clearance, etc.

    1. George Hill

      Morning Andrew
      I see you attended the last Metalex exhibition.
      I have been to the last five.
      If you are going to the next one let me know and I could meet you.
      How is the latest clock project going.
      I would still like to see the diorama of the lack you made from the photographs it looked superb

      1. Andrew Pickup


        Yes I have been going to Metalex every year for 5 years now. For the past two years I went on the Saturday when they let the punters in! Can get some discounts there as well.

        However, I can’t afford the large machines at THB 20 million – just outside my budget. So lets try and meet up in November 2017.

        I have sent some photos up to Alan for putting onto the web, including a couple of machines I made (filing machine and a pinion cutter). There is also an update on my grandfather clock, where I have now got to the difficult bit – engraving the chapter ring then making a wooden clock case!

        The railway diorama was fun to make. I have previously done something similar when I made a dolls house for my daughter (many years ago).

    2. admin Post author

      Hi Andrew and many thanks for the information about Shanghai SUMORE Industrial Co.,Ltd in PR of China.

      I have just visited there website and it seems to be a very large company. http://sumore.com/english/index.asp

      The website is very clear and in three languages including English.

      I have uploaded above the Shanghai Sunmore SP2102 Mini Bench Lathe Specifications and Quotation that you kindly forwarded to me.

      Many thanks for your help and information.


  7. George Hill

    Hi Alan
    The only lathe on sale second hand that I know of is the equipment being sold by Deena in changmai


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