Buying A Big Lathe In Thailand

Buying A Big Lathe Thailand

I’m looking now to buy a new very big lathe and a big milling machine in Thailand to build the 6″ Little Samson traction engine. I have bought the drawings for the 6″ Little Samson and I’m waiting for them to arrive here in Thailand. The biggest parts to be turned are these:-

  • Flywheel, 460 mm diameter, 51 mm wide
  • Front Wheel,  460 mm diameter, 121 mm wide
  • Biggest Gear,  495 mm diameter, 25.4 mm wide
  • Rear Wheels: Diameter 737 mm (29″). That’s over the strakes which are added after machining, not the diameter to be machined.

This is the specification of one lathe I’m looking at:-

  • Swing Over Bed 460 mm
  • Swing Over Cross Slide 224 mm
  • Swing In Gap Diameter x Width 690 mm X 240 mm
  • Height of Center 230mm
  • Distance Between Centers 760mm/1010mm/1510mm/2010mm

This is a photo of the lathe:-

Image of the AA6241 306 Lathe

AA6241 306 Lathe

Update 28 Feb 2014 Another Large Lathe And Milling Machine

In response to publishing the above web page I received an email from a website visitor who said he had a large lathe and milling machine that he was prepared to sell to a good home. The vendor of the large lathe and milling machine sent me some photos of the machine tools taken in his workshop in Bangkok, Thailand and I have uploaded the photos to a new web page called “Photos Of The Big Lathe And Milling Machine I Bought In Thailand“.

Visit the new page called “Photos Of The Big Lathe And Milling Machine I Bought In Thailand” by “Clicking Here“.

6 thoughts on “Buying A Big Lathe In Thailand

  1. Satish raman

    M looking for 6metre bed lathe n milling machine. N big drilling machine please can u tell me what will be da price


    did you buy your (2) machines yet

    would you consider used

    i believe you could buy (2) machines lathe and mill
    used in good working order

    under $12,000 us funds
    about $1200.00 to load and secure container

    let me know your comments

  3. Mike Hayward

    Mind telling us what your quote was for the mill and lathe, My man up here (Udon) sells those for about 160k for the lathe and 200k for the mill. Both have hardened beds/slides etc, no DRO’s. Buys direct from the factories in China, no middle men. Obviously transport on top would be a big add on.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Mike and thank you for your question about the cost of buying a large milling machine and lathe in Thailand.

      I will dig out the quotation, tidy it up since a bit scruffy, and send it to you.

      If I can find an alternative to AllArm then I’d be well pleased.

      Best Regards

      Alan Brown

  4. George Hill

    Hi Alan

    I admire the conviction you have making the decision to go ahead with the traction engine project. I would be a daunting task in UK were you have easy access to the tools and parts that you will require. As well as the help and advice of fellow enthusiasts.

    From your last entry I see you are looking to but a fair sized bit of kit. And the mill will be of similar size I expect. And as we spoke about on your last visit some form of lifting device will have to be obtained. I would think the four jaw chuck for a lath of that  size would be too big to man handle safely.

    On my last trip home I had a visit from Andrew Pickup. So we spent a happy couple of hours in the workshop chatting about our shared interests. So thanks to your web site we now know (as the scientist say) ‘’we are not alone’’ in our hobby. Out of the 60 odd million people in Thailand there are three of us like minded souls.

    I hope you keep us updated on the lathe purchase.

    Hope to get up to visit you soon.

    Regards George

    1. admin Post author

      Hi George and thanks for your comment.

      Yes the 6″ Little Samson project is a bit daunting and I still have my doubts not so much about the project but as to the cost of the machine tools and accessories I will need. That plus getting the boiler built.

      I know I’m not skilled enough in the workshop to tackle that Big Traction Engine model project just yet. I still keep making mistakes even on a small steam model like the Stuart Turner Victoria steam engine I am building. So it’s still a dream but I think I need more experience and more planning first.

      For example, I have never made a boiler in my life! I have the vertical copper boiler kit from ??? forgot the name but haven’t started it yet. The problem is that having never built one I’m scared that I might melt the copper getting it too hot with the oxy-propane torch or not getting enough silver solder penetration with the air-propane torch. It’s not like building a steam engine where if you mess up a piece you make another. If you mess up the silver soldering on a boiler the whole boiler is ruined.

      Also before I launch into the Big Traction Engine model project I have to finish not only the Stuart Turner Victoria stationary steam engine and that boiler but also the 3/4″ scale Burrell traction engine I have started.

      As to the machine tools for the Big Traction Engine model project the tools I want are on the website of THEPTHAI MACHINERY CORP. I have sent two emails asking for a quote and they don’t respond.

      This is the lathe I want:-

      And this is the milling machine:-

      I have had an offer from AllArm Co for similar machines but the ones above are bigger.

      Andrew Pickup sent me a couple of emails and it is Andrew who introduced me to Cromwell Tools Thailand so clearly this website is doing what it is being built for – to bring fellow model engineers in Thailand together and to share information and resources.

      Thanks again for the comment, George and look out for some more announcements soon.


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