Review of Cromwell Tools Bangkok, Thailand

Review of Cromwell Tools, Thailand

Update by Alan July 2024

Major Changes at Cromwell Tools

When this page was first published Cromwell Tools was based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Change of Location

The address on their website is now given as Samutprakarn Province.

Vastly Revised Website

Their website has been completely revised, but still appears to offer the same range of tools and accessories.

Method of Purchase Changed

Previously they said that they only sold through their agents but there is no list of agents on their website.

Now the website invites potential customers to register for a Trade Account. This is done by sending an email to

I have not tried this.

Catalogue Removed

The catalogue is no longer offered.

Resource Provided by Andrew. (December 2013)

Note: Information and website links below have been updated July 2024.

Summary by Alan.

Cromwell Thailand is a huge tool supplier and part of the Cromwell group UK, the Industrial Supplies company.

On their website they claim to have over £350,000 (186 million Thai Baht) of stock at their warehouse in Thailand.

They claim to stock a wide range of products specialising in Cutting Tools, Abrasives & Power Tools, Precision & Laboratory Equipment, Workshop Equipment, Hand Tools, Fasteners, Lubricants & Chemical Products, Office Supplies & Stationery, Welding Equipment, Maintenance & Personal Protection Equipment and much more.

They sell through agents but there is no list of agents on their website.

I have placed an order today (22 December 2013) for the catalogue using the form on the website. Let’s see what happens.

Update February 2014

Soon after I placed that order for the catalogue I had a very friendly phone call from the Manager,  Shaun Burke.  Shaun said there would be a new catalogue in 2014 and he would send me the new one when it was printed. Shaun also said he would like to come and visit me in Pakchong for a chat which I thought was nice. I have since exchanged a few emails with Shaun and he is very friendly and helpful. (Examples of this below)

Update July 2024. Shaun Burk is no longer with the company.

I did receive the new catalogue by mail a couple of weeks ago and today received February’s update leaflet listing new tools.

The catalogue is fantastic. It’s about B4 in size ans as thick as a telephone directory. There are 12 Categories totaling 832 pages.

Not only are there tools and equipment that I definitely need and want and don’t know anywhere else in Thailand to get them but there are also tools that I didn’t even know existed!

For example there are pages devoted to explaining the ISO Designations for Indexable toolholders and the inserts. (Want to know what PCKNR2020K12 or TNMG160408TN-XX means? It’s in the catalogue)

I was interested in the spotting drills and saw some multipoint spot drills and chamfer drills. These have replaceable indexable tips and can spot drill, deburr, countersinks and cut chamfers and Vee Grooves.

Image showing Cromwell Tools Indexable Spot Drills

Cromwell Tools Indexable Spot Drills

There are many more great tools in there and it’s all top quality. Just to give you an idea and this is just a random selection of the more unusual tools from the catalogue:-

  • All Hard HSS Hacksaw Blades
  • HSS Corner rounding Milling cutters
  • Spiral Flute Production Taps
  • Giant Angle Plate 12 1/2″ x 10″ x 8″
  • Precision Toolmaker’s Vices
  • Dixon-type Quick Change Toolposts
  • BA Socket Head Grub Screws (2, 4, 6 BA)
  • Roll Pins
  • Sherwood STD Drilling and Tapping Lubricant. (Page 668) This is a must for me.

Plus all the ‘normal’ tools are there, taps, dies, reamers, lathe and milling machine tools, DTI’s etc, etc

The catalogue is a great resource for ideas even if you don’t buy anything. I highly recommend you get a copy.

More Than The Catalogue

Shaun said that “if you can’t find what you are looking for (in the catalogue) drop me a line and we can get from uk”.

How To Buy

I have now looked through some of the catalogue pages which by the way is dated 2011.

At the bottom of each page is this statement:-


They give no indication how to find your distributor.

This is what Shaun said in one  of his emails:-

“I will appoint one dealer to handle (the Model Engineers’ orders) but I will send all the goods from  Cromwell and the dealer will just issue the invoice. I will handle this personally it’s not problem and I know it will be done . The Model Engineers can email me and I will deal with all the quotes and orders.”

So it seems all we have to do is get the catalogue and send a list of what we want to Shaun by email. Schaun will get the goods sent to your local dealer for collection.

Update July 2024

A dealer called Kranes in Bangkok was appointed to be the dealer for I used them frequently.

I recently placed and order with them and received no reply.

I noticed today that their website no longer promotes Cromwell tools, but says that they are a distributor for Sealey tools. The range of tools on their website is quite limited compared to when they were agents for Cromwell.

They still offer a free catalogue which I downloaded. It looks exactly like the original Cromwell catalogue.

How To Buy Update March 2014

It’s easy to buy from Cromwell Tools. Other people have said it and I have done it myself. Couldn’t simpler and you don’t need to go to Bangkok nor event to your local Cromwell Tools dealer. If fact you don’t even need to know who your local dealer is!

Just read the comments posted further down this page.


Contact Page

Download Cromwell Tool Thailand Catalogue

Not offered – July 2024

Request A Hard Copy Catalogue

Not offered – July 2024

Please mention you may be able to get a discount!


Cromwell Thailand
2070 Moo 1
Old Railway Road
Samrong Nua
A. Mueng
Samutprakarn 10270

Tel: +66 (0) 2 743 5353
Fax: +61 (0)2 743 5350

Google Maps

Not available yet.

SatNav Coordinates

Not available yet.

Model Engineer’s Reports

I personally have not been to the warehouse nor have I yet contacted them since I only heard about them today.

I have downloaded all the catalogues and they total 60.3 MB.

The range of goods in the catalogues is enormous – I just wish I knew about this supplier before. I might not have placed that order with RDG Tools in the UK if I could get everything here.

4 thoughts on “Review of Cromwell Tools Bangkok, Thailand

  1. George Hill

    Good morning fellow metal benders.
    I just wanted to confirm all of the preceding comments about Cromwell tools. I had the pleasure of meeting Shaun yesterday when he dropped by to deliver a parcel of silver steel. I contacted Shaun with the order and almost immediately it had been sent to the U.K. Bank transfer and that was it. Material now in the workshop ready for use. Fantastic service. I only wish the plumbers I had working in the house were as professional. But that is as they say another story.
    Once again thanks Shaun.

  2. Alan Brown

    I recently had the pleasure of two visits here in Pakchong from Shaun Burke, manager of Cromwell Tools in Bangkok, Thailand.

    On the second visit Shaun personally delivered my small order for 25 l of soluble cutting oil (So-Cool) and 500 ml of Sherwood STD cutting and tapping fluid. Both these products are very difficult to find in Thailand (even by other manufacturers) especially outside of Bangkok so I was grateful that Cromwell Tools (Shaun) was able to supply them.

    Shaun is a great guy and he introduced me to some other nice ‘home workshop’ people and gave me address of a supplier of English Beer in Bangkok who can supply at very low prices. Thank you Shaun!
    By the way I have not tried the soluble cutting oil yet – that is awaiting the proper commissioning of my Big Machine Tools but I have tried the Sherwood STD cutting and tapping fluid and it is superb.  I put a 2BA thread on a ropey piece of re-bar I turned down to 5 mm dia. (2BA is supposed to be 4.7 mm OD so it was oversized)

    Instead of the usual struggle with repeatedly backing off the die to clear the cut I just ploughed right on and cut a whole 40 mm of thread without backing off at all!

  3. Mike Hayward

    Known and used Shaun a few years now. Everything is correct in the article; email Shaun, goods sent to your adress (professionally packaged), he emails you with the bill amount and the bank details of his preferred distributor. You pay them by bank transfer (Thai bank to Thai bank). Simples. I will say however, that some of the prices are cheaper in the UK, but then they have to be air freighted here, beggars cant be choosers.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Andrew and thanks for your suggestions.

      Maybe I was being a bit enthusiastic but I have to know what people want and these things to take time to set up and fine-tune.

      I’ll stat with the email feature that allows people to volunteer their email address to the community. There should not be any spam because only community members will be able to access each other’s email.

      Having thought about the options for a while since I posted them I thing a Forum is the best place to start after the email feature.

      I have another idea now and that is a For Sale and Wanted section.

      Thanks again for your valued comments.

      Best Regards

      Alan Brown


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