Links to Blogs & Websites

Links To Other Blogs And Websites Related To Model Engineering That Provide Relevant And Useful Information

This page contains links to other websites that I have found to be useful and informative to us model engineers. It is not intended as a replacement for the more detailed Resources pages which generally have a Review of the resource being presented.

The list will be added to constantly as new pages are discovered.

If you know of a website that could be of interest to fellow visitors please let me know and I’ll include it in the relevant section.

Thailand-Specific Websites Preserved Steam Rollers and other Steam Engines in Thailand. Preserved / Extant Steam Locos and Steam Cranes in Thailand.

Important Notice:-

Michael Pass has been working on ‘Thai Steam Today’ which complements the Steam Locos and Steam Cranes in Thailand page and includes some historical information.
He would welcome additional information and be happy to email you a copy of his latest compilation (ca 20Mb!).

Contact him through the address below (you have to retype it).

michael (dot) pass (at) hotmail (dot) com The Kinwa website featuring the Kinwa 430 x 1100 lathe I acquired to build the 6″ scale Little Samson Traction Engine. Large Stationary Steam Engine in Thailand powering Rice Mill youtube videos. Riding the Steam Train in Thailand. Photos of the periodic steam trains, this one from Bangkok to Chachoengsao Thai Railway History. Includes photos of Thailand Steam Locomotives and other Rail Memorabilia, plus a map of the Thai Railway Network Photos of old portable steam engines, steam rollers, steam locos. Plus Steam Engine Plan, Billed as “The largest collection of free Steam Engine Plans on the web”, and which include LBSC’s’ Loco Plans for FREE download! Plus plans for Jet Engines, machine Guns, Steam Boats and so on. A Must See website.

Other International Websites

Private Individual’s Blogs or Websites Metalworking and Other Interests by Harold Hall.Harold Hall, Ex Editor of Model Engineer’s Workshop magazine and now a contributor, is well respected for his workshop projects. I rate this site very highly. Dimensions and physical characteristics (strength etc) of common threaded fasteners including Cap Screws, Hexagon Screws, Nut, Washer. Includes links to sites providing information on Bolt/Screw Design and Suppliers sites with Screw sizes/Specs. A blog written by Kifayat, a hobby machinist in Malaysia for hobby machinists. I love this site, Kifayat explains the dangers of Tool Envy Syndrome (TES)and Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS). Also there are links to Machinery & Metal Sources for Hobby Machinists in Malaysia and other useful links, like “How Stepper Motor, Stepper Driver and Stepper Controller Work – Unipolar and Bipolar Motor Examples”.

Link Pages

Specific Web pages with a list of links to other related resources. Categories include: Engineering Support, Live Steam, Toys & Models, Others

Update July 2024: The Main Clearing House Site is currently offline during routine maintenance

Clubs and Societies Interests include: railway locomotives, traction engines, stationary engines, clocks and marine models

Model Enginering Directories International List of Scale Model Related Web Sites

Official And Commercial Websites Run by Edward George author of ‘Scale Model Traction Engine Design and Construction’ of which I have a copy and it is a prized possession the site offers for sale drawings and casting for large size steam traction engine models. This is where I bought the drawings and castings for my 1/2 full size (6″ scale) Little Samson Traction Engine. Searchable database of material properties; thermoplastic, thermoset polymers, metals, superalloys, ceramics, and other engineering materials. Download free books and catalogues giving data on steel, steel hollow sections, steel properties etc. A wealth of useful information. Useful resource for data on threads (Metric Fine. Coarse, PSP), drills, taps, tapers, Torx tools and designers information for springs etc. Plus of course, the Home Page lists thousands of tools many of them quite uncommon, like the Felsch Preshaped Turning Tools and Holders.

Model Engineering Tools Suppliers

Tracy Tools Suggested by Ian:
“You probably know of Tracy Tools already, but they are a great company, based in Devon, UK. I always use them for taps and dies, particularly BSC thread tools which are hard to find anywhere else. But they do all sorts of other tools.
They have strong connections with the model engineering scene and provide excellent service with prompt communication. I need to order a BSW helicoil kit from them soon.”


2 thoughts on “Links to Blogs & Websites

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Phil and thanks for another post.

      That JUTHA WAN METAL LTD website is very interesting and they should be a useful resource to anyone looking for stainless steel or special tool steels metals in Thailand. They are based in Bangkok (of course).



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