Barracuda Mini Off-Road Buggy

Photos Of The Barracuda Mini Off-Road Buggy John Is Building In Thailand

John is building this off-road buggy at home in Bangkok from plans downloaded from and cost AUD 99.00.

Photos Not Of John’s Off-Road Buggy

Because John’s buggy is still being built I thought it would be good to show you first some photos of what the buggy might look like when it’s ready for the road. (Off-road, of course).

So here are some photo’s of other people’s Barracuda mini off-road buggies.

image showing A Barracuda Mini Buggy In Action - Not John's Vehicle

A Barracuda Mini Buggy In Action – Not John’s Vehicle


Image showing Another Barracuda Mini Buggy Before It Takes To Off-Roads.

Another Barracuda Mini Buggy Before It Takes To Off-Roads.


Photos Of John’s Off-Road Buggy In Construction

Here are the photos of the Barracuda mini off-road buggy under construction in John’s workshop in Bangkok. John sent me these progress photos on 20th June after I sent out a few emails asking if anyone knew of a supplier of hydraulic flexible brake hoses and brake line components John will need for his buggy.

Image showing John's Barracuda Mini Buggy Chassis Building Starting - Day 1

John’s Barracuda Mini Buggy Chassis Building Starting – Day 1


Image showing Day 2 of the Mini Buggy Chassis build.

Day 2 of the Mini Buggy Chassis Build


photo of the Tubular Roll Cage Structure Taking Shape

Tubular Roll Cage Structure Taking Shape


Image depicting Wheels On And Suspension Assembly Under Way

Wheels On And Suspension Assembly Under Way


Photo of Chassis And Suspension Construction Well Under Way Now

Chassis And Suspension Construction Well Under Way Now


Close Up Photo Of One Of The Mini Buggy Suspension Arms

Close-Up Of One Of The Mini Buggy Suspension Arms

About The Barracuda Mini Off-Road Buggies

Scintillating Performance

The Barracuda is one of the most advanced off-road racing vehicles in the world, and depending upon which engine you fit the performance can be anything from exhilarating to breakthtaking.

Often fitted with one of the most powerful production motorcycle engines available, the Suzuki Hayabusa engine, which kicks out 195 hp (horse power) for the 1,400 cc version, the Barracuda buggy can go from a standing start to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds (i.e. 0-60 in 4.5 sec) and reach a top speed of 120 mph.

Extreme Off Road Mini Buggy Racing In Thailand

I was wondering where John would be driving his off-road buggy in Thailand and what the nature of the sport was here.

A very quick Internet search turned up very little. A couple of “Extreme 4X4 Off Road Racing” videos on YouTube that didn’t work and a couple of go-kart racing tracks is all I could find, plus the Chiang Mai X-Centre which offers off road tours for buggies, ATVs and UTVs for tourists.

Updates And Comments To This Off-Road Buggy Page

I would like to thank John in Bangkok for sending the photos and giving his permission for me to put them on the website.

I found this off-road buggy build to be something very interesting. After all I’m building an off-road buggy myself!

John, if you could possibly send more photos as the build progresses, that would be fantastic and gratefully received.

And to all readers, please post your comments below.

5 thoughts on “Barracuda Mini Off-Road Buggy

  1. Peter Haenen

    Very nice buggy, and looks like very safe even when rollover.
    But yes indeed, a very nicely equipped workshop, including aircon.

  2. Mike

    Yikes!!! With that power to weight ratio, perhaps John will consider adding wings & a propeller, because that buggy is certainly going to FLY !!!

  3. George Hill

    The buggy looks good
    But check out the workshop. Best tool chests and a clear work area.
    Magic mate.!

  4. Fergal

    hi alan 

    theres a lad down the road from here builds and races these buggys he has one with two suzuki hayabusa 1400cc engines inside it have never seen it go must be some buzz with all that power 

    a long ways from traction engines??

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Fergal,

      “two suzuki hayabusa 1400cc engines inside it”…

      A check in the ‘net produced 195 hp per engine but one guy managed to get his bike up to 700 hp!

      So your guy has just shy of 400 hp in that lightweight buggy!

      Like you said should be a buzz.

      Of course all that power can’t be put down to the road, just not enough grip on the tires.

      It’s the same with traction engines. Just not enough grip, particularly in grass or non-mettalled roads.

      So we’re all in the same boat (?) really….

      Happy Steaming



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