Andrew’s 5″ Gauge Coach Bogies

Photos Of 5″ Gauge Bogies For A Mark 1 British Rail Commonwealth Coach

Andrew kindly sent the photos of bogies he has made for a 5 inch gauge Mark 1 British Rail Commonwealth Coach.

These are posted below.

Please make sure to view in Full Screen Mode (Click on FS) to see the amazing details in Andrew’s models:-

Thank you Andrew and I hope to see more of your models in future.


12 thoughts on “Andrew’s 5″ Gauge Coach Bogies

  1. Michael

    Hi Andrew

    What is the cost for a set of bogies? do they have brakes and what would the cost be for multiple sets if ordered. are they assembled or knock down or can cnc files be bought to have them machined here in South Africa


  2. Bryn Morgan

    Hi Andrew – Lovely set of bogies! I am trying to get some of these done for my South African Railways Stock but no one has any drawings and no one else seems to sell them. Would you perhaps have any drawings for your bogies that I could purchase?

    Kind Regards


    1. admin Post author

      Hi Bryn,

      I have just received this response from Andrew:-

      For the bogie I haven’t prepared the proper drawings yet. They are all bits of paper at the moment. I have prepare another book and am planning to include the drawings. I have started preparing them but only one or two finished – still looking for those pieces of paper!! Maybe early next year.


    2. Andrew

      Hi Bryn

      Sorry but didn’t see your posting until Alan mentioned it to me.
      I used drawings from Doug Hewson and adapted them to make from bar stock. His drawings are based on using his aluminium castings. I didn’t want to go that route so made some sketches of how to convert them for my own use.

      I am preparing a small book describing the bogie construction and the various parts – there are over 300 pieces to the pair of bogies.

      If you send me your email I’ll send you an advance copy of the book. You can purchase the bogie drawings from Doug (3 drawings @£11/each) and either wait a bit for mine or adapt them by yourself. They can be time consuming.

      I also built a 5″ gauge British Rail Mark I coach which is about 1.7 m long. Done in “Blood and Custard” livery.

      Best regards

      1. Bryn Morgan

        Hi Andrew

        My appologies for the late reply Andrew! The email that was sent mentioning your reply was lost in one of my email folders!

        I would very much love to get an advance copy of that build booklet describing the bogie construction! What a fantastic job you have done! I am extremely grateful! My email is: south-african-steam (remove the hyphens as all one word)

        I am sure your blood & custard coach is just as good as your bogies! 😉

        Kind Regards


        1. Andrew Pickup


          Yesterday I sent the booklet and a photo of the BR Mark I email. Hope I got the email address correct. If you didn’t recieve please let me klnow.


  3. Andrew

    Hi Alan,

    Thank you for publishing a couple of pictures of my 5-inch gauge Commonwealth Bogie on your site. I also have some photos of my 5-inch gauge steam locomotive if you would like them too. In some (or many) months I may also have some of the British Rail coach body that I am building (which will fit on top of the bogies). I am making the underframe at the moment.

    I have not had much luck in sourcing small steel or brass sections in Bangkok, and you mentioned that there is a shop in Pak Chong that has many sections. Can you remember if they have any small sections, say less than 10mm as I need some to complete my underframe to support all the (dummy) equipment that fits there (battery boxes, etc).

    If you could give me their contact number I can ask my secretary to contact them to check on the sizes and if they have an outlet in Bangkok, or if one of the ‘friends’ has an outlet here.


    PS – One unusual model project was building a 20-note busker organ that plays roll music. I’m not sure if your website would extend to that though. These side projects sometimes give us a bit of a break from grinding away at the nard metals though! Maybe I can use the organ in Lumphini Park to supplement my retirement funds – I just need a little monkey with a red hat!!

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Andrew and thanks for your email, good to hear from you.

      Small Metal Sections

      Small sections – less than 10 mm (small to model engineers is tiny in Thailand) of just about any metal seems to be unavailable but I did see some very small sections of stainless steel yesterday. Round and rectangular down to about 3 mm x 10mm or so it seemed.

      There are four metal shops in Pakchong. Of the two big ones, one just sells steel and the other sells everything else.

      This last shop is called Teera Borigaan. I’m enclosing a photo of the shop sign with their telephone number on it.

      Photo of Pakchong Teera Borigaan Metal Shop Sign in Pakchong, Thailand

      Pakchong Teera Borigaan Metal Shop Sign

      Bright mild steel is available down to at least 1/2″ (yes in imperial sizes) and possibly small but I haven’t bought anything less than 1/2″.

      The other shop (Teera Borigaan) selling everything else is amazing. I’m putting some photos and videos on the website but the page isn’t finished you so I am attaching just one photo of the smallest brass section I saw.

      It seems to be about 15mm square. See photo:-

      Photo of Brass Bar Square 15mm in Pakchong, Thailand

      Brass Bar Square 15mm

      The other two smaller shops sell small aluminium sections and the other small stainless steel sections.

      I guess the aluminium is for making window frames and the stainless for making ornamental gates, railings and burglar bars.

      Coming back to the brass it would be possible if there is enough interest from everyone to buy some sections, cut it up and deliver by mail. The main issue I see here is that it would bend when cutting.

      I could buy a length eg of that 15 mm bar and send a length down to you for you to cut up. Please let me know if this is of interest.

      Loco Photos

      Yes please Andrew, please send the photos of the 5″ gauge model locomotive, I would love to see them as i am sure would others.

      20 Note Busker Organ

      I can’t get you a monkey with a red hat but if you send me the photos I’ll put them on the website together with a photo of a red-hatted monkey!

      There aren’t that many model engineers in Thailand for the website to be too restrictive. Your busker organ project was a home hobby construction project and that’s close enough.

      I just thought of one snag with your Lumphini Park retirement job – you aren’t allowed to work in Thailand. I don’t think that the “I’m not working, the monkey is” excuse would be accepted!

  4. Andrew Pickup

    Yes, I made the Commonwealth bogies here in Bangkok. There are over 350 components required, so it was fun making most of them, however I did buy the springs and the fixing screws.

    I have now started on the 1.7m long under frame that will rest on the bogies. I hope I can keep them straight!!

    Last will be the coach body itself.


    1. admin Post author

      Good Morning Andrew,

      Many thanks for the additional information about how you built the 5″ Scale Mk1 Commonwealth Bogies here in Thailand, I’m sure readers will appreciate it.

      Such fine scale – if running on a ground-level track I would be worried about damaging them.


    1. admin Post author

      Yes George, truly remarkable.

      I am assuming that Andrew made these in Thailand in which case the feat is even more awe-inspiring.



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