Wanted: Metal Lathe 900mm Centres

Metal Lathe 900mm Centres Wanted

Can anyone help with the name of a supplier or maybe you have one for sale?

This is the email I received from Ray  Ferguson:-

Hi Alan,

I will be retiring to Thailand this year and want to buy a metal lathe about 700/ 900 between centers a name of 1 or 2 sellers would help, I will be living in Thaton near the Burma border.

Thanks Ray


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    4 thoughts on “Wanted: Metal Lathe 900mm Centres

    1. Mike

      Hello Alan & Ray,

      I have made a few small purchases (2 different lathe chucks, drill chuck, MT#5 center) from “Everlasting”, a Chinese company with an office and several warehouses in Bangkok, and have been quite satisfied with the quality and price. They have a fair website showing & describing all their products, but they dont show prices, for that you need to call; they have one or two sales people that speak English, but I find it easier to have my Thai wife make the call. Here’s the link:

      If you’re looking for a used lathe, you can try the shop Gordon mentioned, or there’s also a shop on route 361 in Chon Buri that sells used equipment; (I need to visit the shop again to provide better directions).

      A few months back, I too was looking for a lathe of similar size,…for a variety of reasons I chose to build a lathe,…it’s a fully enclosed slant bed design,… I’ve posted a “build log” on another website that specializes in CNC machines: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/vertical-mill-lathe-project-log/281738-cnc-cad-24.html

      Whichever path you take, best of luck to you and welcome to Thailand,


      1. admin Post author

        Hi Mike and many thanks for the information.

        That website http://www.everlastingmachinetools.com/index.php?route=common/home is very interesting and looks like a very valuable resource for metal working hobbyists in Thailand.

        Particularly interesting for me was the availability of old fashioned machine tools like shapers, slotters, and horizontal boring machine.

        And the selection of lathes available is quite amazing from small to massive. Must be something there to suit everyone looking to buy a lathe in Thailand.

        And of course your link to the forum where you describe you own home designed and made CNC lathe is well worth a visit.


        Thanks again fir the info Mike.


    2. admin Post author

      Hello Alan.

      I will keep my ears open and ask some of my contacts but there are not many Thais into hobbies in the same way as the English/British.

      Last year I was looking for a wood lathe but no luck and didn’t want to start my new hobby off with something expensive in case I didn’t like it so I ended up making my own.

      Regards David.

    3. admin Post author

      Hello Alan,

      Just a thought about a lathe. Before I bought a lathe, considered buying in UK and then to ship over, that I did do but never again. Because from a lad a Myford ML7 was the only one I wanted. So buying one on e,bay was what was done, it is an old machine built in 1947 and cost me 410 pounds, had it airfreight over at a cost of 565 pounds. Because as a lad a Myford lathe was the only one that I had dreamed of to do model engineering, That cost was silly as 4 or 5 years ago a New Taiwanese lathe of similar size could be had in Klong Thom for 1000 pounds.

      There is a used machine dealer on the way out of Bangkok close to Nakom Patom and has a lot of lathes and other engineering machines. Going to BKK in 10 days and may call in and have a look at what he has. A good place is Klong Tom in Bangkok and if you were to ask me what should I do, the answer would be, have a day or more in Klong Thom with Eng;ish and Thai speaking friend.



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