
Robotics – DIY Home Made Robots

This Section of the website was suggested by Les Smith who is providing much of the content.

Les started life as a carpenter, obtained papers as a cabinet maker, then went to uni to get his B.Eng in civil engineering, but then switched over to computing. His masters was Computer Science. He then went on to get his Ph.D (Artificial Intelligence)

So I’m sure that Les is well qualified to develop this robotics section of the website.

Look out for more pages on this topic.

Next: Steam Powered Robots?

Build You Own Robot

Build Your Own Robot Part 01: The Basics (Otto)

Coming Next:-

Build your own robot part 02: Smart Eyes
Build your own robot part 03: Mouth and lips
Build your own robot part 04: Look who’s talking
Build your own robot part 05: Can you see me 

One thought on “Robotics

  1. Les

    Hi All,
    Due to popular demand I changed the order of articles.
    Next one will be how to use your Android phone and an Arduino to control your model .
    If anyone would like to see specific topics please let me know happy to help wherever I can.


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